
Venice is a city that is so unique, a marvel, a miracle on water and an open air museum. To visit Venice signifies living a dream, a once in a lifetime experience. What should you do in Venice? You will be spoiled for choice!

The city gathers around Piazza San Marco and all the incredible building that circle around it The Piazza and the church, the Ducal Palace and the Carrer Museum, the new and old Procuratie, the clock tower and the famous Caffé Florian where you can have a coffee and cake looking out over the bustling Piazza. There is something for everyone and this is just the start!

We can then organize a boat tour through the Canal Grande, enjoying the fantastic panorama. Sail to the Giudecca, the beating heart of the city and see the Basilica of Santa Maria delle Salute.

For art lovers, a beautiful walk starts at the Penny Guggenheim collection to the Casa di Tre Oci , and visiting contemporary and modern art galleries.

We can organize a fun team building activity that takes the participants to the secret corners of Venice and helps them learn about the history and adventures that took place in Venice over time. Leran about the history of carnival masks and try your hand in decorating one yourself!

The aperitivo is part of the institution of Venice and every little bar has some great food to offer with your cocktail. An aperitivo crawl is also one way to let your guetss enjoy the city, when drinking some incredible wine and eating some incredible food as they pass from one place to the next, carefully planned on the map that we have.

Venice is also the surrounding islands: Murano, Burano and Torcello. Admire the colorful houses that look as if they have been painted for a fairytale book and watch the glass blowing artisans at work.

Let yourself be captured by the magic of Venice!